多倫多台灣影展是由多倫多台商會主辦的非營利公共文藝活動, 是多倫多首個台灣電影節, 亦填補了北美東部地區大型宣傳台灣電影活動的空白。影展規模可媲美溫哥華台灣電影節並與其遙相呼應。
The Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto/Taiwan (TFFT) is a non-profit public cultural activity hosted by Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society Taipei/Toronto(T.E.S.T.T.) Co-hosted with Vancouver and Seattle, the scale of this film festival is comparable to the Taiwan Film Festival in Vancouver.
The Taiwan Film Festival in Toronto (TFFT) introduces an in-depth
understanding of the culture between the Taiwan and Toronto communities through arts, movies and multi-media channels.
The target audience are the 1st generation Asian-Canadian, film professionals and residents within the Greater Toronto Area. This festival will showcase Taiwanese culture and films in the Greater Toronto Area.